Oxidized Bitumen 115/15

Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 Definition

Oxidized bitumen 115/15 is based on petroleum bitumen which is made by blowing bitumen 60/70 by hot air. The most oxidized bitumen usable grade is bitumen 115/15 and 70% of our capacity is dedicated to this grade. bitumen 115/15 is a semi-solid oxidized grade of pure petroleum bitumen categorized in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxidized bitumen normally used for different purposes in the construction business. HJ OIl  (HUEI JIE OIL) 115/115 has high softening point, high flash point and it is highly stable during melting.

HJ OIl  (HUEI JIE OIL) 115/15 is a bituminous product manufactured by the special process of NON-OXIDATION but MODIFICATION of VACUUM BOTTOMS at 230 C temperature, resulting in a material of a much higher penetration index. This product, utilized in the industrial sector, exhibits predominantly “solid” characteristics at ambient temperatures and provides SUPERIOR adhesive and waterproofing qualities when applied hot and allowed to cool than Oxidized Bitumen.

Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 Applications

Oxidized bitumen 115/15 is using as raw material for bitumen coat, the chemical, fuel, paints, lacquers, varnishes, paper-pulp-board, textile processing, road construction, ,crack seal and repairmen, civil works, construction industries; pavement, sealing and insulating buildings, insulation and isolation bitumen membrane sheet, adhesive, construction materials additive, dust-binding, coating, insulating and impregnating agent, make rubber and plastic products. bitumen 115/15 products are for paving, roofing; also used in asphalt-based paints for corrosion protection of metals, in lining public works structures, adhesives in electrical laminates, the base for synthetic turf; typical uses for bitumen 115/15 include roofing, pipe coating, hydraulic applications, Most bitumen 115/15 used to produce “mopping-grade” roofing asphalts. The special usage of oxidized bitumen 115/15 is bitumen paint manufacturing and oil well drill fluid. bitumen 115/15 is using in roofing manufacturing plants to produce shingles, roll goods, built-up roofing felts.

The bitumen 115/15 should be heated double temperature against the softening point to be able to have flow and viscosity. Normally bitumen 115/15 heating up to 230 ᵒc while it is the bale and if it is inside of bitumen bag needed the extra temperature to melt the bags and it is approx. 50 ᵒc more.
Before using bitumen 115/15 surfaces must be dry, clean and free of loose particles, curing products, irregularities, and slurry. If you use this types of asphalt without cleaning the area the bitumen 115/15 will easily remove.

Blown Asphaltum 115/15 Storage/handling

Oxidized bitumen 115/15 has 10 years validity with multi-time heating and cooling, please refer to MSDS. It is better to keep the bitumen 115/15 under shelter and out of the rain, sun. By mopping or by the pour and roll method. Should be heated to a temperature between 180 to 200.

Blown Asphalt 115/15 Packing

The bitumen 115/15 is available in bulk, drum, meltable and craft bag. This bitumen 115/15 are generally shipped as a solid and heated in a kettle at the worksite.

Blown Asphalt 115/15 CHARACTERISTICS

CHARACTERISTICTest methodUnitSpecification
Specific gravity @25/25 CASTM D70(Kg/m3)1.05 approx.
Penetration @ 25°cASTM  D5mm/1010/20
Softening point °cASTM  D36°C110/120
Ductility @25 °cASTM  D113Cm1.5min
Loss on heating(wt) %ASTM  D6Wt. %0.2 max
Flashpoint cASTM D92°C250 min
Solubility is CS2(wt) %ASTM  D4Wt. %99.5 max
Spot testA.A.S.H.O.T102Negative