Treated Distillate Aromatic Extracted (TDAE)

Treated Distillate Aromatic Extracted (TDAE) Definition

Treated Distillate Aromatic Extracted (TDAE) is a rubber processing oil with high aromatic content. It is used rubber softening additive in the process of vulcanization of rubber. Its high viscosity-gravity constant has made it highly preferable in the tire manufacturing applications, thereby, reducing heat buildup. The TDAE, also known as the Treated Distillate Aromatic Extracts is a kind of processing rubber oil which has a higher scented content. It is utilized as elastic softening added substance during the rubber vulcanization process. Its high consistency gravity has made it exceedingly best in the tire producing applications, thus helping in the reduction of the heat-buildup process. Due to the usage of the Treated Distillate Aromatic Extracts, production of larger rubber-based products is thereby possible. The Global treated distillate aromatic extracts (TDAE) market is expected to reach the valuation of USD 1,027.1 million growing at a CAGR of 3.71% during the forecast period (2017-2023). TDAE is a green rubber oil (natural friendly) with a high aromatic content, environmental protection, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic characteristics, can be used as a substitute for existing aromatic oil. This environment friendly is process oil used as a softening additive in the process of vulcanization of natural rubber and as a component of rubber compounds. Its high viscosity gravity constant (vgc) leads to the reduction in heat build-up and rotational resistance during the usage of tyres. Such characteristics enable us to TDAE be used in the production of high quality tire and rubbers.

Treated Distillate Aromatic Extracted (TDAE) Applications

  1. Used in industry ink formulations
  2. Used in isolation manufacturers
  3. Used in automobile tire making factory
  4. Used in rubber manufacturing
  5. Used in shoes
  6. Used in flooring
  7. Used in cables and any other industrial interface
  8. Used as an ingredient (softener/plasticizer)
  9. Used as a processing aid in the production of natural and synthetic rubber products.
  10. used as an ingredient in certain engine, gear and lubricating oils.


  1. Good abrasion resistance.
  2. Good low temperature flexibility.
  3. Low amounts of waste tires in the process.
  4. Good resistance to reversion.
  5. Save fuel and energy consumption.
  6. Extended tires life time.
  7. Low environmental impact.
Density @ 15°Ckg/m3ASTM D-1298953
Flash Point (COC)°cASTM D-92246
Congealing Point°cASTM D-93833
Tota Acid NumberMg LOH/grASTM D-974
  1. 12
Kinematic Viscosity@40°CcSTASTM D-445
  1. 48
Kinematic Viscosity @50 °CcSTASTM D-445
  1. 8
Kinematic Viscosity @100 °CcSTASTM D-445
  1. 65
Rl@20 °cASTM D-1218
  1. 5227
Rl@67 °cASTM D-1218
  1. 5113
  1. 895
Aniline point°cASTM D-61163
Refractivity InterceptASTM D-140.13
  1. 051
(Water Content (karl FischerppmASTM D-6304
  1. 2
Sulphur Content%(W/W)ASTM D-2622
Carbon Type DistributionCA/CN/CPASTM D-140.1323/39/38
Content Of PCA Extract%(W/W)ASTM D-346
  1. 2