Low/Light Viscosity Aromatic RPO

Low/Light Viscosity Aromatic RPO Definition


Low/Light Viscosity Aromatic RPO or Light RPO Is Fully Rich Aromatic RPO By-Product From Solvent Extracting Process To Modify Physical Properties Of The Vulcanization And To Reduce The Cost Of The Finished Product. This Product Has Good Elastomeric Compatibility And Low Volatility. Light Aromatic Process Oil Well-Known According To Its Viscosity Which Meet ASTM standards and ISO 3104 (American Society For Testing And Materials) Standard Test Method For Kinematic Viscosity Of Transparent And Opaque Liquids (Calculation Of Dynamic Viscosity).

Low/Light Viscosity Aromatic RPO Applications

  1. As component in rubber formulations and manufacturing of products such as automobile tires, rubber shock absorber, footwear,  industrial hoses, wire and cable coverings, flooring materials and carrier fluid or solvent in manufacture of adhesives, sealant, polish and carbon black
  2. Used as a lubricant in rubber processing
  3. Used as a component in ink production


  1. Excellent color stability
  2. Low volatility properties
  3. Good solubility properties
  4. Elastomer capability
CHARACTERISTICUnitRangeTest method
Kinematic viscosity @ 100 °CcSt15- 50ASTM: D-445
Flash point°C200-230ASTM: D-92
Density @ 15°CKg/m31000D-4052
Aniline point°C30-40IP-2
BMCI 80-100 
Sulfur Contentwt %4 
Sodium Nil 
Potassium Nil 
Fraction Compound C A = 35  C N = 30  C P = 35 
VGC 0.971ASTM D-2501

Light RPO Packing

Kind of PackingNet Weight  Net  Weight of EmptyGross WeightNo. of Drum in 20ftNet Weight in 20ftGross Weight in 20ft
Tolerance :  +/-5%
Drum210 KG17-18 KG218 KG8017.44   MT18.600  MT
Flexi Tank22 MT100 KG22.100 MT122.000 MT22.100    MT