Oxidized Bitumen 85/35

Oxidized Bitumen 85/35 Definition

Oxidized Bitumen 85/35 Or Blown asphalt 85/35 is Semi Solid grade of pure petroleum bitumen manufactured by air-blowing through an asphalt flux. Special physical properties of its grade can be used in different applications in the construction business. Blown asphalt 85/35 is based on petroleum bitumen which is made by blowing asphalt 60/70 by very hot air. The numbers relate to the midpoint of the material’s softening point and penetration respectively. The softening point value is the degrees Centigrade measured by the Ring and Ball method as determined by ASTM D36. The penetration value is in 1/10 mm as determined by IP49 or ASTM -D5.


Oxidized Bitumen 85/35 Applications

Blown asphalt 85/35 uses in the chemical, fuel, paints, lacquers, varnishes, paper-pulp-board, textile processing, road construction, pavement ,crack seal and repairmen, civil works, roofing, construction industries; sealing and insulating buildings, adhesive, construction materials additive, dust-binding, insulating and impregnating agent, make rubber and plastic products. The asphalt 85/35 products are for paving. also used in asphalt-based paints for corrosion protection of metals, in lining public works structures, adhesives in electrical laminates, base for synthetic turf; typical uses for asphalt 85/35 used also for water-proof application and corrosion resistance for pipe coating, Portland cement pavement, hydraulic applications, paint manufacturing, caulking, mastics, and damp proofing. asphalt 85/35 is using insulation and isolation bitumen membrane sheet. Also, Car undercoating Automobile industry is especially required for Blown Asphalt. Vehicle undercoating material is based on Bitumen. Bitumen provides excellent waterproof, dustproof and noise proof for automobile undercoating.

The asphalt 85/35 should be heated double temperature against the softening point to be able to have flow and viscosity. To use asphalt 85/35, surfaces must be dry, clean and free of loose particles, formwork, curing products, irregularities, slurry, etc.

Blown Asphalt 85/35 CHARACTERISTICS

CHARACTERISTICTest methodUnitSpecification
Specific gravity @25/25 CASTM D70(Kg/m3)1.05 approx.
Penetration @ 25°cASTM  D5mm/1030/40
Softening point °cASTM  D36°C80/90
Ductility @25 °cASTM  D113Cm1.5min
Loss on heating(wt) %ASTM  D6Wt. %0.2 max
Flash point °cASTM D92°C250 min
Solubility is CS2(wt) %ASTM  D4Wt. %99.5 max
Spot testA.A.S.H.T.O 102Negative